Sunday 12 May 2013

My 30th Birthday


So - during March this year, the boyf and I spent a month in the US of A snowboarding, carrying on and celebrating my 30th birthday. I've always been the type of person who 'lives large', and when I set my mind to something (however crazy) there's pretty much no stopping me.

So that's why I rounded up some friends and said 'meet me in vegas'.

I celebrated at Tao nightclub, which is inside the Venetian hotel, and a good friend organised bottle service, which looks a little like this:

Yes, you pay an obscene amount of money and they bring you pretty much a fully stocked bar right to your table/lounge. I highly recommend doing it this way - we had 14 people with us so the cost reduced substantially per head.

I can honestly say I had one of THE best nights of my life - the DJ was awesome, the people I was with were awesome, I didn't get so drunk I was falling all over the place (but enough to be nicely pickled!) and the BEST part - NO HANGOVER! haha

I also had my hair blow-waved for the night and I felt so spectacular. I actually felt beautiful (and as we all know, it may be one thing to BE beautiful, but it's a whole other thing to FEEL it!):

All the pain and suffering of the previous 8 weeks, exercising 6 (sometimes 7) days a week and doing an amazing job of my nutrition, it had all come to fruition when I felt comfortable wearing that blue bandage dress. All I wanted to do for my 30th birthday was feel comfortable in that dress, and I achieved it. I couldn't believe it - can you tell from the smile on my face??
I'm using my 30th as a bit of a motivator for the next 12 weeks of the 12 Week Body Transformation, I put in the hard work then and achieved the result I wanted, so clearly if I put in the hard work this time by law of averages it should work again!
So to all of you out there feeling worried, scared, nervous, apprehensive, unconfident or anxious about the next 12 weeks- shove those feelings aside because I can't explain to you HOW GOOD you will feel once you reach your goals! And how much happier you will be in your own skin. You can't buy that, and nobody can give it to you on a platter.
Yes you will fall, yes you will have bad days, but by golly, once you learn to pick yourself back up from them you will be unstoppable.
Here's to the next ''Vegas"!!

1 comment:

  1. You look gorgeous in your photo! I can't see much of the dress but I know that bandage dresses are crazy hard to feel comfortable in, so congrats!! Best wishes for the next round :)

    Oh, and Happy Birthday! :)


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