Thursday 16 May 2013

I HATE RUNNING.....So I signed up for a run!

Yesterday I signed up for The Age Run Melbourne in July. I have not done anything like this since they boyf and I did Run For the Kids back in, oh, I don't know, 2009?

You see, I am NOT a runner.

I hate it. I have mild asthma and there's nothing worse than a cold night, in the middle of winter, playing netball and sucking so hard on air that is freezing. Remember that ad about asthma being like a vice? That's exactly how it feels.

Running seems to me the most boring activity on the planet. You run....with no destination. Usually in a circle, like around the block and back home again. Finish where you started. What's that accomplishing if you end up back in the same place?

And I hold my shoulders funny, like too tense, and then they cramp and hurt and blah blah blah. Between the cramping and the asthma, it's just easier not to run.

But that's a quitter's attitude. And I ain't no quitter.

I have days where I feel like I have SO much energy at the gym that I will do a class and then hop on the treadmill and do 2 minute intervals for 15 minutes, JUST to make myself REALLY feel like I've done something. Am I crazy? I HATE RUNNING!

Fact is, the fitter I become, the more I feel like I can do. I feel like I CAN run. I feel like I NEED to do more than just a few weights here and there and a little bit of a cruisy old ride on the exercise bike.

And the HEALTH benefits, people! Better Health Victoria ( lists the benefits as
  • Helps to build strong bones as it is a weight-bearing exercise
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Improve cardiovascular fitness
  • Burn plenty of kilojoules
  • Help maintain a healthy weight
Now with benefits like that, who can argue against it? And if anybody has seen Zombieland, y'all know that it's important to learn how to you can outrun those damn zombies!

 Personally interval training has always helped me work my way up to running- 2 minutes HARD OUT and then 1 minute power walk to get my breath back. I doubt I'll ever be able to just go and smash out 10km straight, but at least I can do a little bit. And that's all that matters because every little bit counts!

By the way - I've also signed up to do the 5km in the Melbourne Marathon in October. Am I crazy? I HATE RUNNING!

n.b. There are a couple of really good running websites out there for anybody looking to learn to run, whether it be for a marathon or 3km:


  1. Your post made me laugh, I've not reached this point yet as I still hate running! especially now it's cold and I run outdoors, blah.
    Have you used Zombies run? Get on it as it even encourages me to get out and go!
    Good luck with the run and I hope by the time it rocks around you are a convert and LOVE to run

  2. I use to hate running but now if I can't be bothered doing anything else its like my security blanket. I chuck on my sneakers and hit the pavement. I love that you can just crank the tunes and zone out. I have to say though I totally agree that it frustrates me I never have a destination and I always run in a circle pretty much but after a while you just don't care. Plus added bonus it is by far the quickest way to burn calories. I love you blog Jess look forward to following your journey :)


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