Monday 27 May 2013

12WBT Week 2 Run-Down

WHAT a week!! I've been so so busy! Here's the wrap up:

Small Fails:
  • Didn't participate in the 300 push-ups challenge
  • Only exercised 1 night (still awaiting all-clear from physio...frustrating!!)
  • 1 can of soft drink on Friday after I cracked it when the boyf pissed me off (men are just, such MEN!!)
  • Had a piece of ice cream cake on Friday due to a workmate's birthday
  • Had a chicken schnitzel focaccia on Friday for lunch because the Beef Moussaka was so foul I couldn't bear to take the leftovers for lunch.
  • Just Friday in general.
Small Wins:
  • I exercised one night!
  • Successfully resisted meat pie and soft drink at the footy on Sunday
  • Did some awesome cooking
  • Discovered 9am on a Sunday is an AWESOME time to go shopping - nobody at the shops and fully stocked floor
  • 0 alcoholic drinks this week
  • Had a weight loss YAY!
So this week was all about the cooking - as some of you have picked up, I am HOPELESS in the kitchen!! As useless as a windscreen wiper on a submarine. Or tits on a bull, whatever your fancy.
Week 2 however, saw me tackle my insufficient cooking skills head on, with some small success! The Fish Stew was AH-MAZING (although next time I'll try it with chicken, really not a huge fan of fish) and the Spicy Lamb Meatballs with Tabouli was so yummy, the boyf made more tabouli over the weekend! The Beef Moussaka, however - sheesh. I don't think I like that much mince all at once. And there's something about eggplant that always creeps me out. In any event I forced it down and didn't go snooping around the kitchen for more food, so I consider that a WIN!

So. Exercise. We really need to become better friends. I did one lot of exercise on Tuesday night for 18 minutes, burnt 100 calories (which is crap but it's better than 0) and nearly killed me! Now, I am not supposed to be doing ANYTHING with the lower body other than walking, and even then I'm supposed to be wearing an ankle brace (n.b. if anybody knows where the hell to get a good one, feel free to yell out!) so I just feel like I'm pretty limited. Still, Tuesday I got out the 'At Home' workout, did some slow step-ups and then proceeded to do all of the upper-body and abdominal exercises. I may have done some sneaky sumo squats too.

The result - on top of 100 calories burnt, and screaming abs, I ended up with one HUGE ankle. It appears that Mr Physio knew what he was on about when he told me I was to stay away from leg exercises and cardio. So I took my voltaren without food and BAM - instant nausea. *SIGH* I love how I learn ALL of my lessons the hard way! haha

So looking forward to week 3 - we are going to have another go at the exercise (yes, more than 1 day of it this time!) AND we are also going to be a good little patient and LISTEN to Mr Physio and not do any lower-body stuff. Well until he says I can!
    Good luck with week 3!

1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping you have a better week, and hopefully the physio gives you news you want to hear


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