Wednesday 29 May 2013

12WBT: C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.C.E.....and some Self Belief too

WHERE has all the confidence and self-belief gone?

3 weeks ago we were all so excited (I'm looking at YOU, 12WBTers!) to start 12WBT. The anticipation was rife, the exuberance seemed to flow right out of my computer in front of me whilst trawling the forums.

We all shared our ideas about how we were planning to tackle this 'life-change' (I imagine in 20 years I'll be having a conversation with my doctor about the next 'life-change').

We shared our goals, whether they be weight-related, or fitting into that LBD that hasn't fit since 1995, or even the hard-hitting 'I want my sex life back!'.

We made commitment promises, to ourselves and anybody in our lives who we made listen to us. We went back to those same people, over and over again (and over and over and over) merely to talk ourselves into committing to the 12WBT.

Some of us went out there and joined a gym for the first time EVER, some of us went and bought a whole new workout wardrobe, knowing full well that the hottest item of clothing is never going to help your workout-face magically disappear (but, like yoursex-face you never have to actually see it so we don't worry about our workout-faces either!).

Now, at the beginning of week 3, the forums are full of people that have 'fallen off the wagon', or had a 'bad food day', or are even 'disappointed at a 1kg loss in a week'.And they are writing about it, with the intention of invoking a response from others who will tell them 'it's ok to have a bad day', and 'just pick yourself back up'.

Where have all the confident people gone from 3 weeks ago? The people who had a plan and made a commitment? Are you one of them? If so, then come back!!

It's all well and good to look for some support from the forums - but we can't MAKE you do anything. We can't haul your ass back up onto the back of that wagon, and we certainly can't be your willpower. Only YOU can do that. And YOU need to take responsibility for your actions. No point trying to justify the bad ones, you'll just waste more time and energy, which you should be putting into finding a solution instead. Get OUT of the habit of looking for pity - look in the mirror instead and be reminded of WHY you are choosing to be on this journey.

Half the challenge is learning to pick yourself back up when you fall. It is one of life's great lessons and we actually learn it at a very young age (yes, learning to walk people!!).

There's really no trick to it. So you messed up once? Twice? A few times? Oh well. Life doesn't suck, the sky isn't going to fall in, you're not a horrible person, you haven't screwed up your 12 weeks.

You are a human being. We falter.

So get some ATTITUDE about that pretty face of your's - YOU wanted to make that change 3 weeks ago, remember??

Nobody EVER RSVP's 'yes' to a pity party!

Now get out there and JFDI!


  1. Thanks jess, I think you've got it right - week 3 and the shine has worn off, and the dramatic first week losses have stabilised etc etc. and it's all over the forums, but like Michelle said in the video today, it's not about motivation but consistency, so matter the weight loss (or gain), or if we've had a bit of a binge, just get back in the game with consistency!! That's what I've been reminded of from your post.

    1. Excellent Sheriden! That's exactly the emotion I was trying to invoke outta y'all :) Sounds like you've got your head in the game, nice work!

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