Tuesday 21 May 2013

Injuries - always worth a second opinion!

2 weeks ago I sprained my ankle playing netball.  Or so I thought.

Random Fact: I'm the type of person who doesn't play sport in a skirt - I play mixed netball. In shorts. The way it SHOULD be. (who plays sport in a skirt?? DEFS a man who made that rule!!)

As you can see below, 5 days after I did it, my ankle was still swollen as hell:

I took myself off to the hospital to get x-rays the night after I did it, just to be safe. Now, I've never been on crutches so it was a very, very slow journey into the emergency ward. And what greeted me? A little girl with a broken arm who had just vomited all over the floor. At that point I thought to my self 'do I really need to be x-rayed?', but the obvious answer was yes so I stayed in the queue with the smell turning my stomach. The poor little girl was white and looked like she was in shock so she clearly had it worse off than I did.

The X-rays showed nothing, however even I know that they don't show up little fractures and you have absolutely no hope of getting any diagnosis on muscle tears. So I then took myself off to a local doctor with the shabbiest house front I've ever seen. To the point my mother (who was now staying with me after 3 days of awkwardness trying to do simple things like make myself food) commented that 'are you sure this is a legit doctor?'. Turns out he was, and he sent me off for a CT scan.

I never heard from said doctor so I assumed it was all fine. I should have known better.

The bruising started coming out:

The photos don't really do it justice - the ones around my ankle went black and the discolouring on my toes was darker than this (the joys of a crappy camera in the phone hey). So at this point I was so confused as to why the doctor hadn't called.

So after thinking for a week that I'm fine (but my gut telling me otherwise), I went to see Mr Physio Man, and it turns out that Mr Physio Man thinks I have grade 2 tears in my ligaments in my left ankle. Yes, that is plural. He advised that perhaps the doctor (who is not my normal guy) has simply forgotten to chase up the report that was supposed to come with the CT Scan.


So after Mr Physio Man massaged my ankle and leg last night, I was left with this:

The bruising has come out UP my leg now, and the ankle is still a little swollen after two whole weeks! He's given me exercises to do (ie. rehab) and I'm now forwarding my CT Scan report to HIM so that he can give me the good news (or bad, however you want to take it) again when I see him next week.

On the upside, Mr Physio Man is good looking which compensated for the pain he was putting me through during the massaging. And he draws mad stick figures.

Oh and the best news? He said I can go to the gym and do as MUCH upper-body exercise as I like, and if I do my exercises and there's improvement then maybe next week I can hop on a bike or cross trainer!

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