Wednesday 22 May 2013

12WBT Week 1 Run-Down

So. Week 1. What do you wanna know?

 Small Fails:
  • Didn't use the food plan at all, Boyf cooked for me whilst my ankle is healing.
  • Had maccas for breaky on sunday as I was running late to Auskick.
  • Had a meat pie at Auskick instead of waiting until I got home.
  • On Weigh In Wednesday I had put on 1kg since Sunday. EEK!

Big Wins:
  • I didn't have the accompanying soft drink with my meat pie! In fact, NO SOFT DRINK for the entire week 
  • I Started my 'Inspiration Board' on Pinterest
  • I signed up for The Age Run Melbourne and roped in a couple of girlfriends to do the 5km walk with me. (Also ordered a singlet so I can look cool when I get exercising again!)
  • Have stopped weighing myself every single day (such a scales nazi!)
  • Organised week 2's meals and did the shopping at 3pm on Sunday (n.b. worst time ever!)
This week has been rather frustrating having to watch everybody else start their exercise regimes, and I am not allowed to do anything yet. I am an exerciser and I just want to get out there and do something!

It has also been more of a mental challenge for me this week, getting over the hurdle of 'what's the point in starting if I can't even exercise'. But I made a small start (even if I didn't use the food plan at ALL) by cutting out the soft drink and really sitting down and assessing my goals and where I want to be in 12 weeks. Well, 11 weeks.

Even though I had some small fails at least this didn't happen to me this week:


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