Monday 3 June 2013


The Dictionary states that Perspective is 'a way of regarding situations, facts, etc. and judging their relative importance', and also ' the proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it; objectivity'.

When you sit back and look at the small dramas in your life, do they REALLY matter? Or is it just the way that you are regarding the situation that makes it seem like the ultimate drama?

It takes mental strength to look past those dramas and see them for what they are - small, useless little bumps in the road that we quite easily cross, after all the nonsense is put aside.

Over the weekend I worked with a guy who, at 30 years of age, got hit by a motorbike and will never walk again. He has a wife and 2 young children, a job and a mortgage. And now a wheelchair. It has taken him 12 months to get to where he is - I remember when it was a momentous occasion just leaving the rehab hospital to go and get maccas on his birthday.

I tore ligaments in my ankle one month ago today and it's been a huge mental game. But I will walk properly again.


I am 30 years old with debt, no house, no kids, no marriage, and sometimes feel as though I will never have any of it. But I have travelled and seen sights like this in Doubtful Sound, NZ:
This photo is not in black and white, nor is it taken with a special camera - a humble digital camera and a stormy day did all the work. I have seen beauty that most people I know will never experience. That, for me, is better than owning my own home.


Believe it or not, there are always going to be other people that have it 10 times harder than you. People who lose entire families in fires, women sleeping on the streets because their husbands beat them to within inches of their lives, people killed by mother nature (eg. Oklahoma just this week), and those who will never be able to run around after their children.

So the next time you have a bad day, or eat something you know you shouldn't have - take a second to have a think about those people.

Find some perspective.

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