Tuesday 11 June 2013

12WBT Week 4 Run-Down

Small Setbacks:
  • Maccas for Breakfast. Monday AND Tuesday. Eww.
  • Diet coke to match that breakfast. My skin is going to be PAYING for this next week!
  • Voltaren has constipatory effects.
  • STILL with the diet coke on Wednesday.....and Thursday.....and Friday.
  • Small piece of chocolate Thursday after clients brought them in for us.
  • Have been absolutely shocking with my rehab exercises.
  • Spent a bit too much money buying myself.....presents. Yes, that's what I'll call them. (realistically, I only have 3 pairs of shorts to workout in, so 1 pair of compression tights are probably well called for!)
  • Have slept shit all week. Probably something to do with the diet coke.
  • Had pizza sunday night - however it was my treat meal so it's ok!
  • Got stuck at the cinema Saturday night - Hog's Breath Café is NOT the place to go if you are looking to eat well. Your salad options come with a slathering of Caesar or Ranch dressing. Go figure. Went for the steak sandwich as it was the best thing I could find.

Small Wins:
  • Physio actually encouraged me to be getting back to cardio exercises (low-impact ie.x-trainer and bike)
  • Signed up for the Melbourne Marathon in October (albeit 5.7kms, but hey, we all know I hate running right)
  • Did 35 minute workout on Tuesday  night, burnt 257 calories (7 minutes on the x-trainer was all the cardio I could manage, didn't want to overdo it on the ankle).
  • Somehow, I have lost 11.5cms in 4 weeks. With no exercise. (the sceptic in me thinks perhaps I haven't measured properly)
  • Wednesday's workout burnt 300 calories, 15 mins on x trainer and bike (still no running allowed).
  • I'm now more determined to improve my eating habits because I am exercising again
  • Kept myself to only 2 pieces of chocolate on Friday at work (they were only freckles anyway!)
  • Got my Run Melbourne singlet in the post! I Love STUFF!
  • Successfully resisted buying a pair of red suede pumps for $50 (down from $159, such a bargain).
  • Doubled up on some meals and saved some money.
  • Contained myself and handed over all but about 5 chips that came with my steak sandwich at the disgusting Hog's Breath café.
When I read this back I'm like, BAM - what a week!! Lots of stuff happened!

So this week was all about Game of Thrones. Clearly. Even if you don't read/watch the show, how on earth did you NOT hear about last Monday night's disasterous episode?? In a nutshell, 3 of the main characters got brutally murdered, and by the looks of it the producers had a FIELD day filming it - so much blood, beheading and throat-slitting. Eww.

The best meme I saw was this:

Made even funnier by the fact that the creator can't spell.

I have just finished the 6th book - it has taken me nearly 18months, and countless nights up late (I know it's late if the boyf comes home and I'm still up!). Some nights I would dream about it as it was the last thing I read before falling asleep. Needless to say my dreams have been nothing but entertaining, sometimes terrifying (that's what happens when the guy lops off heads here and there!). All in all, I highly recommend reading them! As with all books-to-tv projects, there is so much that gets overlooked and omitted in the tv show.

The reaction this week when they killed off some 'good guys' was priceless. There was even a YouTube compilation made of people's priceless reactions! (Utterly ridiculous to be that emotionally attached to a show, by the way).

So if you haven't been completely taken by this whole new world, I highly recommend reading the books if you are a reader, or watching the show if you hate books. There's a reason everybody is raving about it.

Week 5's goal : NO DIET COKE. There. I said it. Now to JFDI!


  1. I started reading GOT this week & cannot put it down!! Love the show, but LOVE LOVE LOVE the book!!!

  2. I wish I'd taped my other half's reaction when watching, it was pretty priceless. I'm still reading but I do have a rather sad obsessive relationship with it, taken me 12 months to read 4 and a half book but that's life.

  3. Hey Jess, Just stopping by to say Hi! Found your blog thru mine - well done on the 12wbt! I know heaps of peeps who have done well on it:-)

    1. Thanks Trace! Still getting used to this blogging thing :)


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