Tuesday 4 June 2013

12WBT Week 3 Run-Down

Week 3 - Talk about Self-Sabotage!! Oops.

Small Setbacks
(I've decided 'setback' is nicer than 'fail'!)
  • Had maccas for dinner Thursday night because I decided that at 7pm, I'd had enough of the shopping centre and I was hungry like, RIGHT NOW
  • Had maccas for breaky on Saturday. No reason really, had already had cereal so just couldn't help myself.
  • Lasted 5 minutes on the cross trainer. Gave up, ankle too sore. But then to make matters worse, gave up on my entire workout complete.
  • Haven't done an actual 'workout' this week.
  • Came completely unstuck at a baby shower yesterday. Champagne, sausage rolls, lollies. You name it, it went down the hole! God it was good. Besides the SUGAR HEADACHE all night.
  • Food has been slightly appalling.
  • Had too much soft drink for my liking (maybe 3 cans over the week?)
  • Cooked the Cajun chicken salad and hated it so much I gave up on cooking for the rest of the week. Yep, full on cracked the shits.
  • Threw away food (ie. wasted money!!) because of said cracking the shits with cooking.
  • Mr Physio is my least favourite person right now - the PAIN he puts me through!!
Small wins:
  •  Threw the BEST baby shower ever yesterday!!
  • Asked one of the mums to make finger sandwiches for said baby shower, so that at least there was one healthy option (they were the most popular item too!)
  • Ankle is moving better, my 'gait' is somewhat back to normal. Physio is painful but after a couple of days, totally worth it. 
  • Only had a handful of m&m's at the cinema on Friday night, AND took our own water instead of soft drink.
All in all, a pretty shit week, really. In a bit of a weird headspace because I haven't been exercising BUT that's all changing in week 4!

Because I haven't been able to exercise, I don't really have a 'major event' planned for my mini-milestone in week 4. I did have a think about it, however, and my 'mini-milestone' is merely going to be starting my exercise regime, for realz. No 1-day-per-week crap, no 15- minute- workout crap. It's going to take me another 4 weeks to figure out what to do at week 8.

What is planned for your mini-milestone?  And how many setbacks/wins did you have this week - can you notice them changing?

And slightly off-topic - did anybody else notice that Angelina had a bit of an 'upgrade' done whilst undergoing reconstructive surgery?

Hey, you go through all that pain, why not?

1 comment:

  1. I think you have some fine positives happening, onwards and upwards and you'll be smashing goals in no time.
    As a side note I hear part of the graduation for being a physio is a strong interest in sadism, but that's just a rumor i heard.... :D


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