Monday 17 June 2013

12WBT - Week 5 Run-Down

So week 5 started with the Queen's Birthday public holiday in Melbourne, and unlike most people I stayed at home. Because that's what you do when you are broke. At least I got to watch Game 2 of the NBA finals on Monday!

Small Setbacks:
  • Tiny tiny slip-up at 1st birthday party on Sunday - had maybe 4-6 party-sized sausage rolls, a couple of pinwheels, one solitary slice of fairy bread, but mostly ate the good stuff including finger sandwiches.
  • One can of soft drink on Sunday. It tasted like crap, BTW.
Small Wins:
  • I JOGGED. Like, JOGGED people!! First time in over 5 weeks!! And it felt better the more I did it.
  • Thanks to my newfound walking/running abilities post-injury, I did EVERY single workout this week, in it's entirety. Even my first SSS :) Only burnt 900 cals but I figure it's close enough and it was the first time I'd REALLY pushed my ankle - bring on next Saturday!
  • Physio says my ankle has healed very well and I can go back to netball soon. He fit a brace too so my brain is now tricked into thinking my ankle is fine.
  • I made such an awesome pesto for my spaghetti with pumpkin and tomato. Who knew I was capable of such tastes??
  • Had another win with the sweet and sour pork!
  • Ate fruit every single work day.
  • For the most part did REALLY well flexing my will-power muscle at the first birthday party - I told myself I could have a little bit, and that's all I had.
  • JUST THE ONE CAN OF SOFT DRINK. I've beaten it peeps. Headaches are over!
  • Took a sandwich to Auskick on Saturday night and resisted soft drink and my pie :) I then forgot I had said sandwich so my calorie intake for Saturday was only about 800 cals oops
So have y'all noticed that this week I had so many more WINS than setbacks? For me, this week is the changing of the tide. I've finally knocked out one full week of exercise and I feel like I'm finally 'on the team' with everybody else. And you know what? I'm EMBRACING it - it's so exciting for me! I've sat back and watched everybody else's journey for the last 6 weeks whilst I've been at kind of a stalemate, so this week has been huge for me.

I don't know why people don't like change. Most of the time it is for the better. There are life changes at various stages in everybody's life that they must deal with, and that we all know are eventually going to pop up. So why fight against change with everything you've got, when you're supposed to learn how to accept it and embrace it, before the big things happen? I'll never understand. I got told once at Maccas that I don't like change - this from my store manager - and that my goal for the entire YEAR was to learn how to handle change, and more importantly how to manage it. It was the best goal she could have given me - because now when I look at situations, my first instinct is not 'holy crap', it's 'what are the facts and how are we going to handle it'. That may seem uncompassionate to some - but trust me, when all is done and dusted that's when the emotional charge of the situation might hit me. And that's when I might have to go and lean on someone else instead of bearing the load.

ANYWAY - #justsayin

Change of direction:
I tells ya, that Saturday sesh killed me - how the hell do y'all do that EVERY Saturday?? It's definitely going to be an interesting next 6 weeks!

I've come across the local Coles' Scoop & Weigh bar this week - I basically figure out how much is 100calories and make up little bags to take to work - today's cost 89 cents. Save yourself a heap of $$ by not having to purchase entire 1kg bags of this stuff.

I'm a bit of a muncher so dried fruit and nuts are perfect to give me something healthy that I can keep dipping my hand back into! I find it difficult in the winter months to eat things like celery and hommus, it's just a bit too cold for my liking.

On a final note - do you ever get used to going to 1st birthday parties? Too many toddlers is a little bit too much for me.

Stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. More wins than setbacks!!! Great effort this week!


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