Monday 24 June 2013

12WBT Week 6 Run-Down

We're at the half-way mark of the 12WBT!! Well, some of you are. This was my 'week 3' of exercise, so I'm still a bit behind.

A major positive I've taken is that for the first 3 weeks I couldn't exercise so all I could do was focus on eating right - and as the world's worst cook, I'm so glad that I was able to have that time to concentrate on one thing only. Now that I've gone back to the gym, it's like I have no time to cook!! I get  home around 6:45pm on cardio nights and I'm not a huge fan of eating after 7pm, but by the time I get the meal on the table it's 7:30pm, even 7:45pm. And going by Oprah's mantra of 'don't eat 2 hours before bed' it's killing me because I want to be in bed by 9pm some nights!
So next week's aim is going to be to prep more - or even make up a batch of one meal on Sunday so I can just re-heat during the week.

Does anybody else have a hard time focussing on both cooking AND exercise?

Anyway, so week 6 went like this:

Small Setbacks
  • Kinda out of money for the month. Yes, I get paid monthly. It's a total bitch.
  • Going to have to have 'cheap lunches' next week due to above point. That's ok, sandwiches are cheap (booooooooriiiiiiing!!)
  • It's not my setback, but a friend lost her job and I feel awful for her. All chicks are the same- when something bad happens to a friend, it's an emotional drainer for all of us.
  • My new ankle brace is extremely uncomfortable WHINGE WHINE Throw it against a wall
  • May have made a 3am trip to maccas Saturday night. Best. Maccas. Ever.
  • Didn't do my SSS. Just had nothing left in the tank. Actually spent about 12 hours in bed - that never ever happens. Was just completely knackered so besides the 30th on Saturday night we didn't really do much throughout the day. Not even washing. Or cleaning. Or anything else that needed to get done. BLAH
  • Pretty sure I had my first DOMS experience Sunday night - haven't exercised since Thursday and was in so much discomfort that it was almost painful. And it hit at like 3am, so not awesome.
Small Wins
  • On Tuesday night a lady tapped me on the shoulder at the gym and told me I was looking good. Did THAT make my day or WHAT!! Especially when the scales haven't moved an inch for me yet.
  • Copped another compliment from a fellow 12 WBT'er on the 12WBT portal, complimenting me on my positive outlook!
  • New ankle brace, whilst uncomfortable, is going to help trick my brain into thinking I'm ok to play netball again in a couple of weeks. Apparently.
  • Besides the maccas on Saturday night, I was fairly restrained at the 30th I attended. I had a couple of dim sims and party pies, but there was no gorging or packing a plate with 10 of each like usual. Compared to other nights out I did pretty well.
  • Said friend had another job before the week was out - WOOHOO!!
  • Beef and Guiness Pie was another win - even though I made it with leftover lamb mince and red wine. It does need more tomato paste or something though, but all in all very nice!

So in a nutshell I had an amazing week that got brought undone by the weekend. But on a good note, this weekend was the only one I had bookmarked to go 'drinking' throughout the entire 12 weeks, so now that it's done I feel better. Trying to recover from drinking is just too hard these days - I didn't have enough to drink to have a hangover, but I'm still tired Monday morning. We are getting old! haha

I'm also going to be getting the hot water bottles out next week, finally - the bed is just getting that little bit too cold to get into when you're already half asleep. And boy, didn't the temperature drop in Melbourne this week! Even today it's still 3 degrees at 10am. At least in Melbourne it's only ever going to get cold to a certain point - I feel for people who live in the snow and use running as their exercise:

Anyway a nice toasty bed sounds amazing to me!!

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