Tuesday 30 April 2013

Falling off the Wagon before the Horse has left the Stable


Have you ever seen something coming and then proceeded to do your absolute BEST do sabotage yourself before it has started? (all my fellow 12WBT'ers know what I'm about to say next)

So I recently posted that I signed up to Michelle Bridge's 12 Week Body Transformation (12WBT) and in the 3 or so weeks since doing so, it has been an ENDLESS parade of this:
(Bacon and Egg McMuffin come AT me!)

and this:

(hellOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3pm hit!!)

and yes, alas, this:

(who has TIME for cooking???)

I know what you must be thinking. How is a Lean Cuisine POSSIBLY as bad as the first two - well it's pretty simple:
Just LOOK at that sodium!! 30% of my daily intake?? In one hit??

So as this heading has suggested - yes, I fell off the wagon before the horse has even left the stable. I can see the start of the 12WBT coming on May 13th and man, I am trying my darn hardest to get all of my 'last suppers' in at once.

As a result I have put on yet another kilo. I am now 3kgs heavier than 8 weeks ago when I went on a month-long holiday to the USA. Those 3kgs that I fought DAMN hard to lose, and I tell you, when I say DAMN hard I mean it - I'm down to my last 5kgs and peeps, they will be the hardest you will ever lose.

So I am now kicking myself.

But I have stopped drinking diet coke.

I'm down to ONE day per week with maccas breaky (don't wanna push the boundaries by going cold turkey on too much at once, now).

And I haven't had a lean cuisine this week (well, yet).

The pre-season tasks that Michelle has been setting us really force you to re-assess pretty much your life, in a nutshell. I've had to ask myself why I bothered paying the $200 if I'm not going to commit to the program. I've had to sit down and figure out what other non-weight related goals I have in life now that I've finished studying. I've had to beg and plead with the chef boyfriend to please please not cook me anything with full cream or butter in it (I think we've had success).

And you know what? I've actually ENJOYED having to take a good, hard look at myself. You don't often in life get too many opportunities to stop, assess, plan and take action when it comes to yourself. Yes, there have been tears. Yes, there have been annoying moments in the last couple of weeks with realisations that I don't particularly like.

But quite frankly, I can't be ARSED having to go through this weight-loss crap AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. And that simple fact is driving me to get back on that wagon and kicking that horse fair up the butt so that I can start this journey and never have to look back!

Hell, I might even burn the stable down so I can't!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Healthy Party Food

I recently turned 30 and in 2 days have 50 people coming to my house for a barbeque. All week I have been putting together food lists - and revising, and revising and revising!

So, how do you have a 'healthy' barbeque? With a little help from www.taste.com.au is how! Whilst it has been utterly time-consuming, it's going to be worth it come Sunday when I realise I haven't eaten loads of kabana, brie, potato chips and cake.

Some of my favourite recipes are below:

- Avocado Dip with Turkish Bread
Avocado dip with Turkish chips
Why buy dips at $3 a pop when you can make up a bunch of your own? And to make it even healthier, substitute the turkish bread for baked pita triangles (recipe here: http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/1032/pita+crisps+with+dip)

-Chicken and Vegetable Sausage Rolls
If you absolutely MUST have sausage rolls, these are an excellent alternative - this recipe makes 60.
Healthy chicken and vegetable sausage rolls

Basil and ricotta tartlets- Basil & Ricotta Tartlets
These tartlets are so EASY to make - and ricotta cheese is so much better for you than the old tasty-cheese-and-kabana combo.

The last thing I will say about party food is this - if you know you are going somewhere with not a lot of 'healthy' options, either ask the host if you can bring a plate, or have something to eat before you go to avoid snacking. And don't feel bad if you do snack - everything in moderation, remember!

**All recipes and images sourced from www.taste.com.au**

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation Rd 2 2013

Today was the day for me to finally join Michelle Bridges' 12 Week Body Transformation Program. After all manner of excuses (chiefly that I simply haven't had the $200 to sign up) I finally have myself in a position where I can fully focus on moving that last 5kgs and being in the best shape of my life.
I have struggled with weight a little, but funnily enough it has only ever been when I have stopped exercising (including when on month-long holidays).
Michelle's program is all about changing your life, and whilst I have made probably 80% of the necessary changes, this time around I'm focussing on the remaining 20%.
To my fellow 12WBT-ers, I look forward to hearing our stories and I truly hope I can offer up some inspiration and stir some determination in all of you. Please let me know if there's anything you would like to read more about and I will find it for you!
In the meantime, if you somehow have not heard about Michelle's program, here's the link:


As Michelle says on her website, "12 weeks to change your body for the rest of your life".