Monday 7 October 2013

What Happens To Your Body When You Just Eat SHIT?

I can tell you.

Interesting blog post today. It's been a while, I've had one wild ride with my ankle injury and it just kind of consumed my life. That, and trying to fit into this stupid dress for my friend's wedding. That was on a Sunday and over in the blink of an eye.

For the last 2 weeks, since the wedding, I've had maccas for breakfast 8 out of 10 working days (even had it for dinner one night!), had canned spaghetti on toast 2 nights, had multiple frozen dinners and an english muffin with cheese nearly every night after my dinner because I think I'm still hungry. I've been to the gym twice in 2 weeks (I would normally go 5 days a week!) and whilst I've been active, I haven't really done as much cleaning or activity as I normally would. I'm also back to my 1-litre-per-day diet coke habit that I worked so hard to kick.

It's fair to say I fell off the wagon and it ran over me, then reversed and ran over me again.

What happened? I know exactly what - I reached my goal, and then didn't have anything else to aim for. Therefore no reason (in my mind) to exercise or treat my body with any respect, until the next time I have a goal to reach. I know, I need a shrink- but that's another matter for another time.

So - what DOES happen to your body when you just eat shit?

THIS is what my esophagus feels like!!!
- Oh, the LETHARGY. Good god. No wonder I'm not getting any cleaning done - I come home, eat, sit on the couch and go to bed. Always always tired
- I feel like I permanently have food stuck in my esophagus (kind of right underneath my breastplate), like it just WON'T digest. All that bread, muffins and fried food. blah.
- I am NOT sleeping. I'm waking up at the end of every single 90-minute sleep cycle and tossing and turning, probably due to all the shit that is in the diet coke (including the caffeine). I try not to have any after 3pm, but clearly it doesn't  matter.
- My ankle HURTS even after I've had an injection 12 days ago that was supposed to help! Not moving around as much (ie. exercise!!) and not doing my stretches properly has made all of the ligaments and tendons and muscles tight and uncomfortable, and it's causing me discomfort all the time.
- I get headaches. I NEVER get headaches. But I'm getting them now. The ones that start in the back and work their way around to the front, and drugs don't help.
- My guts :( So stinky, so  PAINFUL and crampy. And constipated most of the time to boot so in a constant state of bloat. Yep. What a wonderful side effect.
- My skin is disgusting, I have blind pimples, red shitty little pimple things that aren't quite pimples and an overload of oil (which had settled down during the 12WBT)
- I've put on 1.2 kgs in 12 days. 1.2kgs that took a lot of dedication, discipline, sweat, tears and pain to lose.

How do people live like this??? Why on earth would you want to feel like this all the time?? And more importantly, why on EARTH do I think it's ok to do this once in a while?

It's been an interesting 2 weeks but I've started today off with good food, go the gym bag packed and cooked all my dinners for the week last night. I am back on track. Brain fart over.

One of the key things that I haven't done the last 2 weeks is PLAN. I am a meticulous planner and sit down every Sunday to organise my meals for the week. So I guess that whole 'fail to plan, plan to fail' thing is absolutely on the money. Yesterday I rejected an invitation to lunch (which would have taken 5 hours out of my day by the time I drove an hour to get there and another one back), which is also something I'm learning to do (just say NO!) and I haven't done enough of recently. I needed to take a day for myself and get organised.

So what I've taken from this whole experience is that organisation is key. Remember that. And as soon as you feel your life getting out of control, take a day to get organised again. You're allowed to look after number 1 (YOU!) when required, you know!

Use calendars, post-it notes, highlighters, stickers - whatever YOU need to use to get yourself organised. Because you do NOT want to end up feeling like I do right now: